Welcome to our collection of case studies. Here, you can explore a variety of success stories featuring JCW Acoustic Fencing. Each case demonstrates our commitment to providing top-quality sound reduction solutions tailored to both commercial and residential settings. Learn about our process from planning to installation and see the difference our expertise makes.

  • Euro Garages Acoustic Fencing

    Euro Garages acoustic fencing installed by JCW. These sites are linked with the Euro Garages company from Blackburn. Take a look at the details and images underneath and get in touch with any enquiries. County Bridge / Willenhall Location: [...]

  • Absorbent Sound Screens for KFC Drive Thrus

    We have been involved in a quite a few sound screen installations at KFC drive thru’s across the country, after local residents complained that rather than ‘Finger Lickin Good’, the only place their fingers were going were in their [...]